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Have you ever come across Spreadshirt? It is a platform where you can buy your own design T-shirt, clothing, mug and phone cover. Or even buy the design on their marketplace. People are saying the product they bought from Spreadshirt are really good quality.
This gives you an opportunity for you to make money online. Let find out can you make money with Spreadshirt?
I started off making some simple design on Teespring to test out. Teespring have a campaign period when you need to drive a crazy lot of traffic to make sales. Then I found out Spreadshirt, I try my exisiting dsign that I own at teespring at put it on spreadshirt and leave it there. I have no idea how to market them. So I literally didn’t log on to it.
Then when I found out there a course teaching people how to make money with Spreadshirt. It triggers me to find out how it really works.
How to make money with Spreadshirt?
You can build unlimited store with your shop name. Example mine:
You can design image and upload on the marketplace. If another seller uses your design on their store and make sales. You get the commission.
I found a blogger name Lisa Irby explaining how she makes money with Spreadshirt. Her screenshot of her earning is not those 4 to 5 figures that will Wow you. But it is realistic which has received $400 to $500 a week. Which is not bad for a part time job.
I take a peek on her course intro and how she explains clearly the course for who and some free tips on how to make money with Spreadshirt. She explains clearly it is advantageous for those who have a blog, social media or YouTube channel with followers but is not a must.
I give a quick try on submitting my design to the marketplace and guess what within a week I get a sale. $5 is not much, but it really works.
What is in the course?
You will learn the basic of graphic design. The tools will be using Paint (Free) and Photoshop (Paid and Free). Lisa will show you how to download Photoshop older version for free and it works perfectly fine for T-shirt designing.
Don’t be worried or immidated, I’m not a designer as well, but have great fun learning from Lisa. She makes it so easy and fun to learn.
You will also learn how to promote your store or design through various websites and social network.
Can you make money with Spreadshirt? Yes of course, but it is not a get rich fast. You will be the person who likes to design. Learn to use the tools of Paint or Photoshop. Treat it like a real business and not just hobby like me when I just started.
In a short while I would like to see you having a Spreadshirt store or at least a single or two design in the marketplace. Have fun and till next time keep yourself safe from internet scams.

How to Make Money With a Free eStore (Spreadshirt)
Great read and effective implementation of Lisa’s name and techniques. One thing, I don’t see you required affiliate links’ disclaimer anywhere. Just saying.