Reason why we started this website
We are Rizal and Cena from Internet Scams Report. We have been friends for 20 years and worked together as colleagues in a same company. A few years ago, we decided to work together to do product reviews and keep internet marketers safe from internet scams.
From our experience, we have good knowledge on internet marketing and experienced on a personal level of being scammed. We have also learned internet marketing from scratch and the hard way. As such, we are willing to share what we have learned and apply it with you.
When we create and build this website, we are not talking about building a fancy or an eye catching website to earn through our affiliate link. We create this website to blog and review on products as a user experience point of view. Our reviews and voices may make some product owners uncomfortable or even annoyed at us but that doesn’t make us change from what we see and experience after we try out the product.
At times, we will raised out red flags from the product we reviewed such as too over selling and overpriced products. We are also looking into several important factors before we mention that the product is a scam. What makes us different from the others is that we will make an honest opinion what we feel about the product whether it is a scam or uncomfortable to recommend. When we feel it is safe, we will place our affiliate links (there no extra charges to you as a consumer if you decide to buy). We will not sneak our affiliate links through our blog posts or reviews without necessary reasons.
Our goals to create this website is not to criticize and recommend our affiliate links but to remind you as a user what are the pitfalls if you join the programs. We will always recommend products that we find suitable from beginners to different levels of internet marketing and a product that provide a good support. The important pointers to note about internet marketing are a good coaching program, good community and the affordability of the product range. We do not believe in upsells or hidden cost by the product owners.
We hope you will read through our blogs and posts with an open mind and keep some pointers where you deem necessary in selecting a product. Our affiliate links are just a secondary thing and we assure you that our blogs and reviews are our honest opinions and to recommend you our #1 product which we trust will help you as a user or a new internet marketer searching for a suitable program.
Again,we are Rizal and Cena. Nice to meet you and feel free to contact us if you ever need anything.
Our team

Rizal is an online marketer, well verse in content creation and email marketing. Starting this website with one goal to protect people from getting scams.

Cena aka Scam Vigilante is an online marketer, creating WordPress website and updating content for blogs and website.

Content Writer
Full time content writer at Internet Scams Report. She left the team due to personal reason.