Wealthy Affiliate Review 2017

Wealthy Affiliate Review 2017 – Get Ready to Rock

Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Sales Page URL: http://wealthyaffiliate.com
Owners: Kyle & Carson
My Overall Ranking: 9.5/10

Wealthy Affiliate Review 2017

Wealthy Affiliate offer me to join as a free starter member first without even asking me for my credit card info. Unlike other website the “Buy Button” is always ready to make a dime.
At first I find Wealthy Affiliate is overwhelm and information overload. But the owner of the website Kyle and Carson are friendly and helpful to any member.

Kyle guide me how to go through the training step by step. He encourages me to ask question whenever I stuck. There are no stupid or silly question, most important to ask for help. I put in my question on one of the lessons, to my surprise there are so many other members offer their answer and helping hand.

I know this is a safe site and community for me to learn and create Internet Scams Report. Within a few days I build my first free website and is up and running. I decide to join Wealthy Affiliate as a premium member to learn in depth skill on Internet Marketing.

Wealthy Affiliate has helped me from scratch, as my primary job as a Building Technician have nothing related to online business or internet marketing. Wealthy Affiliate have guide, train and take care thousand of newbies and different level of internet marketer from all walk of life and country of round the world.

Wealthy Affiliate Review 2017
Doesn’t matter what your gender, race, age or education level. What I have learned and apply so can you. I can share with you what I have learned

I will share and guide you along with what I have learned and achieve so far. This is my site The Second Skill about. Helping people who like to turn their passion into online business.
The very first step to start a website base on your passion. Start Your Website Here

By the way What is Wealthy Affiliate

I am going to be very transparent with you that online business is not going to happen overnight and there is no magic button that creates miracles. So be prepare to stick with me on my long Wealthy Affiliate Review 2017

You open the book or gather information on diving. If you aren’t going to put on the gear, you will not know how the ocean and sea creature look like.
So come on, let’s dive in!

The Best and Advance Training

wealthy affiliate review 2017

Wealthy Affiliate provides the best training course for online business so far. I have joined other training program and bought some crap ebook that contain a lot of internet marketing jargon that seriously I don’t understand what the heck is it! I’m stuck and the ebook surely can’t answer me. It’s actually back to square one.

Wealthy Affiliate creates over 500 training modules for the community. Training come in reading tutorial, video and weekly update live webinar. There are follow up task after each training so to keep track you apply what you read and learn.

If you ever encounter a problem on your website during the building process, simply ask and help will come to you.
Website building within Wealthy Affiliate is absolutely free. All free members are given two free website. The website builder has designed it so easy for anyone to build one. Follow the video training you are ready to build your website within the next minutes.

So much a website building, without content seriously, it looks like an empty box. You will learn how to create content using keyword tool provide. Understand the importance of keyword and valuable content so that interested people (traffic) who looking for what you providing can search your content and website through Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engine site.

Great Support At Anytime You Need

The best thing and most important aspect of Wealthy Affiliate is the support they provide. Kyle and Carson are very active within the community to provide help to any members when they need.

There is live chat session going on 24/7, you can simply ask your question within the live chat to get faster respond or create a discussion to gather advice or idea from other members.

You Get to know many other successful Internet Marketer

There are many successful internet marketers within Wealthy Affiliate. They have contributed fresh training and valuable blog to share.

You can read their blog post, drop them a message on their profile. View their website and learn how they turn passion into online business.

Getting a mentor for 1 on 1 training is costly. Some open free seminar to invite a big turnout. Offer some tips and gimmick, during the end of the seminar the moment of truth review. Expensive price that makes you drop the idea of pursuing your passion.

Inside Wealthy Affiliate you get to know high caliber online business owner for free. And offer you the knowledge that helpful and enrich your skill.

I’m always in Wealthy Affiliate like an addiction. I learn everyday as there always new things to learn. Guide and welcome new members, help to answer their question. Just like the same when I newly joined.

I’m inviting You to Join the community for free

Kyle and Carson know not everyone is willing to pay up front for something they never try and witness. You can get to know the community by creating your free membership account.

Yes, it cost you $0 to join. You can keep your credit card in the safe box and once you join you get to access whatever I have mentioned below, including live chat (within the first 7 days).
As a free starter member, the very first course is Level One Online Entrepreneur Certification. You will learn the following.

• Wealthy Affiliate Community
• Understand the process of making money online
• Chose a Niche (Your Passion, Interest or Hobby)
• Building a Website (2 Free Website-Very Easy to Build)
• Setting up Website
• Keywords (Free Keyword Tool)
• Create Content For Your Website

Free members are given 7 days period to consider to upgrade to premium. No obligation and no hard selling.
Within the 7 days, you get to access training, classroom and your website belong to you once you build it. There is no trial period and the website is real that can be found in search engine. You get to keep your 2 website if you decide not to upgrade as premium website.

I Join as Premium because is affordable

Why I chose to upgrade as a premium member? I find it affordable compare to other program. I invest in an online business education which I can’t find anywhere else.

Within the 7 day period, I only need to pay $19 to cover the first month. And monthly $47 yearly $359. Guess what after a few month join, I decide to go yearly, I do a quick breakdown, it cost less than $1 per day.
I decide to join premium and bring my Second Skill to the next level. Learning advance online business strategy.

• Wealthy Affiliate Premium allow members to host unlimited numbers of domain and this helps me save money on web hosting.
• Weekly live webinar training and Q&A, and every webinar is recorded to your account.
• Unlimited use of Keyword tools
• Get access to Level 2 to 4 (Online Entrepreneur Certification) Coming up Level 5
• Get access to Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Level 2 to 6 and coming up Level 7
• Direct contact with Kyle and Carson 1 on 1

My Final Opinion

If you are looking for a way to learn a Second Skill (Online Business), Wealthy Affiliate is the universal program that suit you. Join as free starter member at $0 and I get in touch with you within an hour and walk you through the community and help you to start your online business journey.

Join Wealthy Affiliate,It’s $0 (Free)

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