The guy featured on the video is actually not promoting his own program. The program he and his team are promoting is something that they’ve already made a lot of income with, or so he says. He also claims that in less than four months they have made more than a million bucks in commissions from this program. The founder of the program is a guy named Matt from Australia. The guy on the video and his small team partnered with Matt and his program called Cash with Matt.
According to the video, Matt discovered a secret system to earn money online, and he is the only one who is knowledgeable about it. The guy featured on the video was able to track Matt and was able to extract from those “secrets”. Of course Matt shared those secret information and ever since then, the guy and his small team started making millions of money online with the help of this easy to use system.
Once you signed up for the discounted price of $37, they claim that they will teach you how you can earn a yearly income of six to seven figures, wherein all you have to do is sit back and relax while a team of sales agents do all the hard work and selling for you. Aside from this, you’ll also have an access to all the necessary tools you’ll need for success.
Name: Cash With Matt
Website: cashwithmatt.com
Creator: Matt Lloyd
Price: $37 + upsells

Cash With Matt is a “new” work from home company which claims that can arrange for people with a full time revenue by simply working part time in the comforts of their own home. Cash With Matt is really not a new program at all, it will actually lead you an old program that been circulating for years.
Once you provided your name and email information and continue on the next video, you will be shown with a few recommendations from customers who claim that the program is an amazing opportunity. These testimonials will reveal that the actual program is called MOBE or My Online Business Empire.
MOBE is an online money making scheme that has been around for years and is a total scam. Its creator is Matt Lloyd and the same guy the video presentation is referring to.
Individuals who are interested in this program can buy their own “blueprint” or a training program for only $37, which is a one-time fee.
Matt Lloyd is the creator and owner of MOBE, which is a company focusing affiliate marketing and online business training for small business owners who wants to expand their business to the next level. Basically what the website offers are different training tools, resources and services to help one’s business to grow.

My Online Business Empire or MOBE is a multi-level marketing (MLM) scam. Once you purchase their 21 tier product for $37, you will be given the rights to sell those products to other people. The chief focus on Matt’s 21 tiers is on creating your own online business with a goal to sell the products provided by MOBE.
Basically, what they want you to do is to recruit people to those products from you. The more you sell the more you recruit people who will the same thing. In other words, this program falls under the pyramiding scheme.
Cash Witt Matt promotes a program called My Top Tier Business or MTTB. This is the best seller among Matt’s products in MOBE. He claims that this product will provide customers with a massive opportunity to make thousands of dollars in commissions.

The Cash With Matt website has a headline that says you will “discover how to make money from home in 6 steps”. That is an outright lie since this program has 21 steps and not 6.
This 21-step online video course will teach you on how to make money from scratch. There are a couple of red flags with this program. One is that the modules can only be accessed by having a coach unlock it for you. Once you’ve gone through the first step, your coach will then contact you to check on things and provide you with information on how to unlock the next course. This will go on only until step 6. After that, the rest of the steps will be unlocked automatically without any help from your coach.
The catch here however is, during the course of step 6, you will be introduced to MOBE Licensing Rights or MLR. This licensing rights is your ticket to promote MOBE’s products in order to start earning commission. In other words, for you to start earning good ticket commissions of hundreds or even thousands of dollars, you need to purchase this license for a one-time whopping fee ot $1,997.

Yes, you can achieve success with MTTB. However, to get to the top you need to invest a lot of time, effort, determination, and hard-work and of course your hard-earned money.
MTB is very much like how MLM works, wherein you are required to purchase a certain product before you will be given a license to resell and start earning commissions. It is easy to find the money to purchase all the products, but finding the right people to buy it is another thing.
This guarantee is not a big deal. Getting this $500 guarantee will not be easy. The company has some terms and conditions that will be applied. This will include going through with the modules and spending a few thousands of dollars. If after you’ve went through all this and felt like the program is not for you, then that is the time you get the $500 refund. Basically, Cash With Matt will pay you a little percentage of what you’ve already spent for the program. The only person benefitting here is Matt Lloyd himself.
Do yourself a favour and leave the cashwithmatt.com website right away. It is not in any a legit business opportunity. It is simply a pyramiding scheme that lets you sell some products concealing themselves as a legit MLM opportunity.
Matt Lloyd and MOBE are known for ripping people off. You can do some research on Google and you will find numerous individuals getting charged way more than what they are promised they will be charged. The final verdict is, everything about the Cash With Matt is a scam and you’re betting off investing your money somewhere else.