Is Text Your Ex Back A Scam? – Will It Work?

PRODUCT NAME: Text Your Ex Back

OWNER NAME: Michael Fiore


RATING:  8/10

If you lost someone you love and want him or her back it is possible to do so just by learning how to text the right words. This is the promise of the Text Your Ex Back program which goal is teaching men and women how to get back the person they love through text. If you are wondering is Text Your Ex Back a scam? this review will help you understand what this program is all about.

Is Text Your Ex Back A Scam?

Before you subscribe to the program it helps to know what this is about.  Considering that people are living in the digital age and text messaging becomes one of the most important and primary sources of communication. Breaking up can be a devastating catastrophe in your life and you probably don’t know exactly what to say when you want the person back so badly.

Michael Fiore, the owner of the program Text Your Ex Back developed a system on how to text the right words to your ex in order to open the window of opportunity of getting back together. Being a dating and relationship expert, Fiore created eleven modules that are merged into videos, text and audio files that help an individual learn the proper way of dealing with a broken relationship and how to get back together through the power of technology of SMS.

The Text Your Ex Back will give some important step by step guides about learning the most appropriate and effective way of connecting with your ex and saying the right words to texts. The program will help you learn the proper approach that will make your ex respond positively to your messages. Applying the psychological approach that works in a relationship the Text Your Ex Back program will provide some revealing tips that will make you good in choosing the right words and approach that will make your ex want you back as well.

The training modules on getting your ex back

The program comes with 11 modules consisting of eBooks, videos, mp3 audio formats. Each module is dissected with topics that will help you understand about breakups and how to use text messaging in getting back together with your ex. The introduction also includes some information about Michael Fiore. The meat of the program is more about how you can utilize text messaging and the psychological approach in sending messages.

The modules provide a step by step guide to help you learn at pace without overwhelming you with information to internalize all at once. If you are serious about getting back your ex you will certainly find the content very helpful in boosting your confidence about knowing the right approach of communicating back with your ex.

The Pros

The teaching approach of the program is broad as it uses the combination of text, audio and video which allows the user to choose which format will be best for his learning. These varieties of formats also allow the user to have more freedom on downloading them to their mobile, tablet, laptop, iPod or computer. The author of the program is also known for his dating expertise which helped several couples to get back together and keep their relationship stronger.

In short, the author of the Text Your Ex Back is credible with known reputation in the dating and relationship field so you can somehow rely that his system works. The program also comes with bonuses which are great addition to your subscription. The program’s approach will teach you the emotional strength when sending text messages. The author also tries to make the step and guide information simple and easy to understand.

The Cons

The program does not come with a trial version. But this should not be a problem since you are covered by a 60-day money back guarantee. The program might not actually work for people who do not like to send text messaging. Moreover, the program will not work if you have a vague idea on what actually went wrong with your relationship and personal apprehensions about having the confidence of communicating back to your ex.

Michael Fiore set up some rules and goals with his program so make sure that you stick to them and do not break any of its rules to get better results. Deviating from his strategy will likely jeopardize your chance of getting your ex back.


To answer the question is Text Your Ex Back A Scam? it is to my honest opinion that it is a legitimate relationship guide program that is useful for people who want their ex back. The program provides simple steps that are easy to understand. Considering the crucial role of SMS in our daily lives it can be a good channel to use to rekindle your relationship with your ex.

Check Out Text Your Ex Back Here

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