Is Create and Go a Scam? - An Alternative Structured Course

Is Create and Go a Scam? An Alternative Structured Course

Based on today’s context on internet marketing, many of aspiring marketing professional are drawn to courses and training programs to start their own online business.

Like you and me, internet marketing is so competitive nowadays that some of us just gave up not seeing our blog page making an income. 

If you are the person that I am talking about, then you are on the right page!

Is Create and Go a scam? We will take a look and try our best to evaluate the program and get to know if this program can help you or myself to get the income we want as stated in their website.  

Create and Go Review Summary

Product Name:  Create and Go 

Owner:  Lauren McManus and Alex Nerney

Product Type:  Training Program specialized in blogging and website start-up


  • Launch Your Blog Biz at $297
  • Pinterest Traffic Avalanche at $197
  • Six-Figure Blogger at $297
  • Pro Blogger Bundle includes all the above courses at $647
  • Free 5 day training course

Target For: Bloggers, Affiliate marketing starters or email marketing enthusiasts

Summary: Create and Go is an online training program that focuses on blogging and internet marketing strategies such as creative content, email marketing, eBook and Pinterest lead generation.

It also covers the basics of setting up your own online business.

Developed and handled by Lauren and Andrew, their video training contents are of quality and considered to be a good starting point for internet marketing start-up professionals.

A good training ground for creative content writing and enhancement.

Product Score: 4.5/5

Recommended:  Yes

What is Create and Go?

Ceate and Go is an online training program developed by Lauren McManus and Alex Nerney to help internet marketers from bloggers, beginners to advance, internet marketers, starters, etc to learn and set up a blog site, learn about marketing strategies and start their own online business.

There are tons of courses in the internet and looking up for one good course can be very tiring. Let say you a blogger and your website of one year is not doing too well with low organic traffic and income is not good enough, making around $50 to $100 per month. Moreover, when you have more posts than a high selling website that is only 6 months old, you will get frustrated and wanted to know where did it go wrong! 

If you are the blogger above, then you need to take a look at this course. 

When I visited the site, I was quite doubtful at first as the storyline by Lauren and Alex are rather the same old story of being broke and hitting the money train later on. Their website is simple and engaging. Surprisingly, looking into their content, they got quite a volume of posts and tips on blogging start up, creating a blog post, etc. 

I decided to try out the 5 day blogging bootcamp to get a feel on their presentation and knowhow of bloging such as keyword research, content creation, etc. 

Let’s start with the 5 day bloging bootcamp! 

Inside The 5 day Bootcamp

Click Here for the 5-Day Blogging Bootcamp

I started the 5 day Bootcamp and the welcome email from Lauren and Alex is full of information on what to expect from the course. It was interesting to note that Lauren and Alex takes effort even for a free 5 day course. 

The course and training can be broken down into  main parts:

  • Day 1 – Choosing a blog name and niche you’ll love
  • Day 2 – Setting up blog hosting and WordPress (the best platform for bloggers)
  • Day 3 – Designing your blog with a beautiful theme
  • Day 4 – Writing content and getting visitors to your blog
  • Day 5 – How to make money with your blog (5 ways bloggers make tons of money)

Now, let’s go over each one of them so you will know what to expect.

Getting Started - Day 1

For the Day1 course, it is rather comprehensive and Alex presented the knowhow on starting a blog site. For a free course, I do not expect them to provide me with many information on starting a blog site. Create and Go is generous with the information and the video was well organized. 

You will learn on the following.

  1. What is a blog niche?
  2. How to choose your niche
  3. Best strategies to use when trying to decide on your blog niche

You will also be learning on creating a domain for your blog post. Alex will guide you through step by step on creating a domain which is rare on a free course.

Topics that are discussed as follows.

  1. What is a domain name?
  2. Tips for choosing a domain name
  3. How to choose a domain name 

Unlike other free courses, you will be able to download a pdf format of the course hand-out which are interesting and eye catching.  

Setting up blog hosting and WordPress - Day 2 

This part of the course is a more in-depth training on blog hosting and use of WordPress. Although Alex did not go in-depth with WordPress, I can see that he guides users through the hosting application.

This is a great help if you are a beginner and does not know nuts about hosting. 

What you will learn on day 2 as follows.

  1. What is Blog Hosting?
  2. Free vs. Paid Hosting Plans
  3. Recommended Hosting Platform and its advantages

For a day 2 free course, there are many useful information on hosting and WordPress application and as a new blogger, you will definately learn something in Day 2.

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Designing your blog with a beautiful theme - Day 3

Consist of a video by Lauren,  this part of the course teaches you about designing your blog site  with their recommended theme. 

Lauren presentation is very direct and truthful. She doesn’t go into telling you to just take up the paid courses by her team  but instead focus on getting your blog site setup. 

Anyway,  for Day 3 course information as follows.

  1. What is a WordPress Theme?
  2. Biggest mistake most bloggers make with design
  3. Free vs. Paid Themes
  4. Best Blog Theme Recommendation 
  5. Best Free Theme Available

Surely, upon reaching this part of the training, you already have a good knowledge about how to setup your blog site.

Writing content and getting visitors to your blog - Day 4

Writing a content is tedious and attracting visitors especially organic traffic is another headache. As a blogger, you need to know how to use keywords and rank it as high as possible in the search engine sites. 

Although in this lesson, you won’t be getting a in-depth information, as a beginner blogger, you have enough information on where to start out. 

Lauren will breakdown into the following. 

  1. Who are you trying to reach?
  2. What to write about
  3. Getting visitors to your blog
  4. Why Pinterest is best for blogging
  5. Getting started driving traffic to your blog

By Day 4, you will have some information on how to manage your blog and bringin in your audience. 

How to make money with your blog (5 ways bloggers make tons of money) - Day 5

This is the conclusion of the course and Alex is the one who is presenting. He summarised the entire course structure and gave his opinion on the mindset, focus to reach the level that he is in today.

The following are discussed in the final day course as follows. 

  1. The Money Mindset Trap
  2. How do blogs make money?
  3. Where should you start

What is Create and Go offering?

Create and Go is offering 3 courses that are focusing on getting you to start your site. There is a course roadmap will explain to you what is to expect in the courses. There is also a bundle course at an affordable price.

The following are the prices for the courses. You may click on the course to find out more.  

From the video presentations on the landing pages, it seems interesting to note on the processes to be well informed and better understand the knowhow to start up a blog site. 

It is also interesting to note that the knowledge Alex and Lauren have, should be  good for you. I have signed up for one of their courses, Pinterest Traffic Avalanche and was impressed with the content and teaching. 

There are some (paid) tools that you need along the duration of the course and Alex and Lauren will recommend you their preferred tools.

Who Is It For?

Create and Go coursesThe program is an in-depth marketing training course that focuses more on content creation, blog setup, lead generation which is perfect for new marketers who want to learn about how to start their own online business. 

With the high quality content of their training, this program can also be for intermediate and expert marketers as well. It may enable them to learn new techniques and strategies that could help make their existing blogging sites even better.

Good or Bad Choice?

Create and Go Is it a good or bad choice?

First off, I like how their free course structure is laid out. Nothing is being missed. Their information  (videos) are of excellent quality, guiding you every step of the way to setting up your own blog site.

Alex and Lauren handles the training videos well that gives it a personal touch. Also, they offer good information on strategies which I really find to be of great help when you are new. 

The second thing I like about Create and Go is that they don’t give exaggerated claims on getting rich very quick and do not even offer you to enrol in their paid courses.

One negative about Create and Go, there is just a tiny bit on their sales page. It looks kinda spammy with examples on blog sites that are generating tonnes of income.

Anyway, I have enrolled for one of their courses, Pinterest Traffic Avalanche. Why do I pick this course? To learn more in-depth on on Pinterest as I have no clue on to go about on this platform. 

My review on Pinterest Traffic Avalanche will be coming soon.  

From my point of view, Create and Go is a good choice for bloggers who is in the need for help. They are specialized in their trade of content creation and lead generation that could benefit their users or students. 

Have you Started to

Create Your Passion into an Online Business

Go and do something that you are passionate about and create your passion into an online business of your own. Learn how to blog and create a blog site that drives traffic and making sales conversion.
Rizal Aziz

Rizal Aziz

Rizal is the co-founder of Internet Scams Report and a passionate blogger with several blogging sites.

By learning and experiencing internet marketing, it is important to start this website to help users avoid internet scams.

Create and Go









  • Free 5 Days Course
  • Very In-Depth Free Course
  • No Hard Selling
  • Comprehensive and detailed course structure


  • Different course packages, may confuse interested parties

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