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PRODUCT NAME: Crypto Coin Sniper
OWNER: Paul Scott
RATING: 0/10
Cryptocurrency is a hot item these days and it has offered a quick means of earning money by spending less amount of time than you would when you resort to other forms of income generating ventures. As many people engage in crypto trading you can find a lot of software emerging in the market that claims to provide an automated system that will improve your profits from trading on cryptocurrency. One such software in the market today is the Crypto Coin Sniper. It claims that its system can help you earn millions of dollars with just a little time to spare every day. This makes us all wonder is Crypto Coin Sniper a scam?
Crypto Coin Sniper Review
Crypto Coin Sniper is software that generates an automated system that will improve your trading outcomes using cryptocurrency. It was designed by Paul Scott who claims to be a crypto currency trader himself. Its sales video claims that you can possible earn $20,000 in a week using its system. Scott himself claims that he can earn one million dollar in a year by crypto trading using Crypto Coin Sniper. Just how is this possible using the system?
What is Crypto Coin Sniper?
Crypto Coin Sniper claims it has an automated system that will work out your trading outcomes. The product is worth $37 and upon purchase you will have access to its live demo video that will lay down information that you need to know about crypto trading. Its sales video claims that the system it uses will eliminate the challenges about trading using cryptocurrency and will improve your profits that can be worth thousands of dollars a week. This sound great and highly enticing but what makes me dubious about Crypto Coin Sniper? There’s a lot to consider.
First, the sales video hardly explains the specific methodology used by its system that will improve your chance of earning more profits from cryptocurrency trading. It plainly claims that it can automatically trade for you and will predict the amount of money that you can potentially earn. It mentions a hassle free process that eliminates the need of understanding how the trading works but none is explained on HOW such system works.
Second, there is not much valuable information from its sales video other than using the psychological sales tactics of enticing people how much they can earn and the opportunity of enjoying a lucrative lifestyle from their profits when using the Crypto Coin Sniper software. It spends more time on showing how much earnings you can make without any proofs on how the system will work for you.
Third, Crypto Coin Sniper tells you how much money you will earn and all you need to do is to make a trade. There is no explanation on how their algorithm works in order to determine the profits you will make. Obviously there is no magic formula to make big amount of money in cryptocurrency trading in an instant and the flow of profits is sometimes unpredictable and highly liquid as it changes constantly according to the performance of the trading market. Unless Crypto Coin Sniper explains the technical aspect on how it can predict profits using its software I remain dubious on its system.
The warning signs
If there is a chance to consider that Crypto Coin Sniper is a scam I would. This is because it is overwhelmingly surrounded with numerous warning signs that flag it as a scam. Here’s why:
Fake testimonials
Scammers usually use fake testimonials to lure people to buy their products. Crypto Coin Sniper use paid actors to drop good words about its product.
Overhyped claims
You can earn millions in a year using its system without the need of giving the effort and without the need to understand how cryptocurrency trading works? Seriously? If the product can deliver this kind of magic software everyone would be millionaires by now by purchasing it.
Same scam advertisement styles
I could not help but notice that many scam sites have been using the same layout as that of the Crypto Coin Sniper. They use similar webpage design and only differ on the text and content of their sales video but the strategy of enticing people by giving overhyped income claims are all the same. The price is also the same for these scam sites.
The product provides a 60 days money back guarantee and perhaps this is the only thing good about the product.
The product obviously gives fake testimonials and does not provide proof or explanation on its methodologies on how the software works in generating profits for cryptocurrency trading.
My Final Opinion of Crypto Coin Sniper
If you ask is Crypto Coin Sniper a scam? Yes it is. There is no definite proof on how its software works so one has to rely mainly on its self proclaimed effectiveness. It merely gives an overhyped claim that it will give you big amount of profits but in fact you will never know what its software does to your money.