Is Autoresponder Madness 3.0 a scam? Seriously Mind-Boggling.

Review on Autoresponder Madness 3.0

Product Name: Autoresponder Madness 3.0

Owners: Andre Chaperon

Price: $297 + Optional – $97 (Million dollar Swipe Package)


Rating: 92/100


On my recent blog, I have mentioned that email marketing is one of the important tools for an internet marketer. If you have mastered the strategies of email marketing, it can be one of your greatest asset and this is where you can make your income grow to astonishing heights. I can say the pioneers of email marketing are earning an astonishing amount of money creating the program for themselves.

There are a couple of programs in the internet which I do recommend and I would like to share with you this interesting program which I stumbled upon while I was looking into several programs on email marketing and have learned a great deal of knowledge on this topic.

Well, let’s get on to review this product.

What is Autoresponder Madness 3.0?

One of the most complex thing about email marketing is about writing an email content to your subscribers list. It is agonizingly painful to write a content that your readers will read and moreover move on to your follow up emails. For an internet marketer, you will need to be taught on the marketing strategies and the right time to blast your emails.

This product I am about to review is Autoresponder Madness Version 3.0 by Andre Chaperon.

If you are an internet marketer, you will know Andre Chaperon in the online business world. He is the pioneer of email marketing and one of the internet gurus in the market. He has launched a couple of products but his core product is ARM. ARM 3.0 is an updated version and so far, this product is one of the best in the market.

In his introductory page, there are a lot of contents and if you have the time, you will need to read them to get that hype. I don’t usually read through introductory pages but I guess it is worth my 10-15 minutes as you can learn a few nick knacks here and there in the landing page.

If you are buying this product, you will be redirected to his academy domain where you can start navigating a total of 4 chapters with 18 comprehensive lessons on email marketing.


Each of the lessons presented are truly in depth and I am very impressed by Andre’s style of teaching by the layout and structure of his program.

So basically you will be taught comprehensively about email marketing and understanding the ideas within ARM. Andre’s teaching is simply valuable and he obviously knows what he is talking about and some of his strategies are definitely worth to learn. ARM 18 lessons covers a sheer volume of contents which you can take action and follow the list of instructions. It covers strategies which are not taught by other email marketing gurus. It is a valuable piece of information which I have learned and applied them to my email campaigns.

At the end of every lesson, Andre will gives you a list of task and assignments to complete. Follow them and you will improve on your email marketing skills, no doubt about it. Take action after following Andre’s lesson and these action steps will keep you on track towards a better campaign.


Should you follow Autoresponder Madness 3.0?

There will be a onetime payment of $297 and it fairly affordable. You may want to purchase another program which it is optional. So it is up to you to purchase the additional program but it is fairly affordable at $97. There are loads of examples on email marketing contents and you will have ideas upon ideas to start our campaigns. It is worth your $97 I can assure you.


So total investment cost is $394. This onetime investment outlay will pay off in a short period of time and you will learn valuable insight on email marketing. I bought both programs to be honest and am satisfied with the program offered by ARM.

When I first started my Aweber account, I wrote a couple of follow up emails, getting ideas from signing up a couple of free courses on affiliate sites. There are quite a handful of subscribers who opt-in my follow up emails but there were zero click rates on my 2nd and 3rd follow up emails. I was disappointed. However, when I started to follow ARM 3.0, there was an improvement to my click-through rates.

You can see below a screenshot from my AWeber account for my follow up emails after 1 week when I apply ARM to my email marketing campaign.


This is real and my hard work really paid off thanks to ARM 3.0. When you see your hard work pays off, even an increase in percentage, you feel quite satisfied with the progress.

One of the disadvantage about ARM is some of the lessons are too long and you can get tired easily. So my tip is to learn one lesson at a time and don’t rush. You cannot learn 18 lessons in a week and it is not possible to apply it immediately.

There are also no video tutorials on step by step instruction in this package so those of you who like video tutorials, you will be disappointed. However, ARM offers video clips on marketing strategies by popular writers and speakers which are interesting to see. Overall, ARM is legit and I would like to recommend this product for those who are serious about bringing their online business to the next level. ARM primary focus is to teach users to reach their audience and sell their product efficiently with good written contents and follow up emails.

One tip I get from this program is to apply soap operas in your email contents and create loop holes to make your emails interesting. I didn’t know about this strategy until I buy this product and I can say my email contents are getting better and better each day. I can assure you that you will get the information and benefit substantially from ARM.


Autoresponder Madness 3.0 is one product which I learned a lot and no doubt you will be able to apply the knowledge learned and bring your online business to the next level. If you are struggling to write email contents and have no idea on how or what to write, ARM is a product you might want to take a look. There will be no free trials on this product, you buy it and you learn. If you are not sure, you can sign up on my 5 day affiliate marketing course. Take a look at my contents and hopefully, it will relate to you what I learned from ARM.

Affiliate Marketing

This product can also relate to your blogging content and writing skills. Remember, the primary focus of this product is about your contents and if you are a blogger or writer, you can also apply ARM to your blogs, ebooks or marketing campaigns. Whether if you are new or seasoned marketer, you can make use of ARM and apply it to your online business.

Anyway, if you are thinking of starting out in internet marketing and want to know the know how of affiliate marketing, I will recommend you my #1 product where you can learn the fundamentals of creating a website, hosting, blogging, etc. You can also look through my blog on the Strategies of Internet Marketing by clicking below.

Strategies on Internet Marketing

So if you are keen to elevate your email marketing skills, I am happy to recommend ARM as I know that you will benefit from this program. My advice to you is to join a program that is suitable and have an impact to your online business. Email marketing is such an important tool in today’s online business and in order to create a long lasting relationship with your audience, you will need a program like ARM.

Your next step is crucial and I have no doubt that you will get the best out of your email campaigns. So, visit and join Autoresponder Madness 3.0 by clicking below now. Let your imagination run wild.


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